* File:     startApp.c
* Purpose:  ice cream teller, basic sequence
* Course:   bsy
* Author:   M. Thaler, 2011
* Revision: 5/2012, 7/2013
* Version:  v.fs20

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>

#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <semaphore.h>

#include "commonDefs.h"


int main(void) {

    int      j;
    char     string[8];
    sem_t    *access, *coin, *coffee, *ready;
    pid_t    tellerPID;

    sem_unlink(MYTURN_SEMAPHOR);        // delete seamphor if it still exists
    sem_unlink(COIN_SEMAPHOR);          // delete seamphor if it still exists
    sem_unlink(COFFEE_SEMAPHOR);        // delete seamphor if it still exists
    sem_unlink(READY_SEMAPHOR);         // delete seamphor if it still exists

    // set up a semaphore (? -> initial value of semaphor)
    // checkSem() -> macro defined in commonDefs.h

    access = sem_open(MYTURN_SEMAPHOR, O_CREAT, 0700, ?); checkSem(access);
    coin   = sem_open(COIN_SEMAPHOR,   O_CREAT, 0700, ?); checkSem(coin);
    coffee = sem_open(COFFEE_SEMAPHOR, O_CREAT, 0700, ?); checkSem(coffee);
    ready  = sem_open(READY_SEMAPHOR,  O_CREAT, 0700, ?); checkSem(ready);

    // now that the resources are set up, the supervisor can be started
    for (j = 1; j <= CUSTOMERS; j++) {
        if (fork() == 0) {
            sprintf(string, "%d", j);
            execl("./customer.e", "customer.e", string, NULL);
            printf("*** could not start customer.e ***\n");
    if ((tellerPID = fork()) == 0) {
            execl("./coffeeTeller.e", "coffeeTeller.e", "0", NULL);
            printf("*** could not start coffeTeller ***\n");
    waitpid(tellerPID, NULL, 0);
    system("killall coffeeTeller.e");
    system("killall customer.e");       // kill all customers

    // clean up resources
