//****************************************************************************** // Course: BSy // File: main.c // Author: M. Thaler, ZHAW // Purpose: locking mechanisms // Version: v.fs20 //****************************************************************************** #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> #include "banking.h" #include "mtimer.h" #include "mrandom.h" //****************************************************************************** // constant values #define MAX_THREADS 16 #define NUM_THREADS 5 #define TRANSFERS (16*1024*1024L) #define ACCOUNTS (2048) #define BRANCHES (128) //****************************************************************************** // globals int nThreads; int ibc = 0; //****************************************************************************** // customers void *pusher(void *arg) { int idx = (int)(long)(arg); mrand_t rand; unsigned int seed = 17*idx; mrandInit(seed, &rand); int account, from, to, val; int count = TRANSFERS / nThreads; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { account = (int)(mrandUInt(&rand) % ACCOUNTS); from = (int)(mrandUInt(&rand) % BRANCHES); to = (int)(mrandUInt(&rand) % BRANCHES); val = (int)(mrandRange(1000, 100000, &rand)); transfer(from, to, account, val); } } void *checker(void *arg) { for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i = i) { ibc += checkIBC(); usleep(100*1000); } } //****************************************************************************** // main program int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { gtimer_t timer; mrand_t ranvar; long assets; // thread id's pthread_t th[MAX_THREADS]; // get number of threads or default if (argc > 1) nThreads = atoi(argv[1]); else nThreads = NUM_THREADS; nThreads = (nThreads > MAX_THREADS) ? MAX_THREADS : nThreads; mrandInit((MAX_THREADS + 1)*333, &ranvar); printf("\nRunning %d threads\n", nThreads); makeBank(BRANCHES, ACCOUNTS); for (int i = 0; i < ACCOUNTS; i++) deposit(0, i, mrandRange(10, 1000*1000, &ranvar)); checkAssets(); startGTimer(timer); // create threads and pass thread number pthread_create(&th[0], NULL, checker, (void *)0); sleep(1); for (long i = 1; i < nThreads; i++) pthread_create(&th[i], NULL, pusher, (void *)i); // wait for threads to terminate for (int i = 1; i < nThreads; i++) pthread_join(th[i], NULL); stopGTimer(timer); checkAssets(); printGTime(timer); if (ibc) printf("\n\033[41mYou do not comply with the IBC rules \033[0m\n\n"); else printf("\n\033[42mYou do comply with the IBC rules \033[0m\n\n"); } //******************************************************************************