//****************************************************************************** // Course: BSy // File: banking.c // Author: M. Thaler, ZHAW // Purpose: locking mechanisms // Version: v.fs20 //****************************************************************************** #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> #include "banking.h" //****************************************************************************** typedef struct account_struct_ { long int balance; pthread_mutex_t acntLock; } Account; typedef struct branch_struct { Account *accounts; pthread_mutex_t branchLock; } Branch; //****************************************************************************** static Branch *Bank; static int nBranches, nAccounts; //****************************************************************************** // banking functions void makeBank(int num_branches, int num_accounts) { nBranches = num_branches; nAccounts = num_accounts; Bank = (Branch *)malloc(nBranches * sizeof(Branch)); pthread_mutexattr_t attr; pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr); for (int i = 0; i < nBranches; i++) { Bank[i].accounts = (Account *)malloc(nAccounts * sizeof(Account)); pthread_mutex_init(&(Bank[i].branchLock), &attr); for (int j = 0; j < nAccounts; j++) { Bank[i].accounts[j].balance = 0; pthread_mutex_init((&(Bank[i].accounts[j].acntLock)), &attr); } } } void deleteBank(void) { for (int i = 0; i < nBranches; i++) free(Bank[i].accounts); free(Bank); nBranches = nAccounts = 0; } long int withdraw(int branchNr, int accountNr, long int value) { int rv, tmp; rv = 0; tmp = Bank[branchNr].accounts[accountNr].balance - value; if (tmp >= 0) { Bank[branchNr].accounts[accountNr].balance = tmp; rv = value; } return rv; } void deposit(int branchNr, int accountNr, long int value) { Bank[branchNr].accounts[accountNr].balance += value; } void transfer(int fromB, int toB, int accountNr, long int value) { int money = withdraw(fromB, accountNr, value); if (money >= 0) deposit(toB, accountNr, money); } void checkAssets(void) { static long assets = 0; long sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nBranches; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < nAccounts; j++) { sum += (long)Bank[i].accounts[j].balance; } } if (assets == 0) { assets = sum; printf("Balance of accounts is: %ld\n", sum); } else { if (sum != assets) printf("Balance of accounts is: %ld ... not correct\n", sum); else printf("Balance of accounts is: %ld ... correct\n", assets); } } //******************************************************************************