# PM3-HS22-IT21b_WIN-Team1 PM3 FivePlants Gartenverwaltung ## Class Diagram Umletino: https://www.umletino.com/umletino.html Draft File: doc/ClassDiagramDraft.uxf ## Branch model - production branch: `main` This branch has a working version of the code. - development branch: `dev` This branch should contain a running (although not necessarily working) version of the code. Working states are to be merged into the `main` branch regularly. - feature: `feature_xy_` These branches contain features in active development. When the code is ready it will be merged into the `dev` branch. - bugfix: `bugfix_xy_` These branches are for bugfixes. - documentation: `doc_xy_` These branches are for javadoc and project documentation (such as the readme, class diagrams etc.). ## User Manual - Search Plant List: if first Char is '#': only exact match in ID.