import numpy as np import time from Schenk_Brandenberger_S10_Aufg3 import * from Gauss_Algorithm import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #3b dim = 3000 A = np.diag( np.diag( np.ones( ( dim , dim ) )*4000 ) )+ np.ones( ( dim , dim ) ) dum1 = np.arange( 1 , np.int32( dim /2+1) , dtype = np.float64 ).reshape( ( np.int32( dim / 2 ) , 1 ) ) dum2 = np.arange( np.int32( dim / 2 ) ,0 , -1 , dtype=np.float64 ).reshape( ( np.int32( dim / 2 ) , 1 ) ) x = np.append( dum1 , dum2 , axis=0) b = A@x x0 = np.zeros( ( dim , 1 ) ) tol = 1e-4 startLinalgSolve = time.time() x_linalg_solve = np.linalg.solve(A,b) stoppLinalgSolve = time.time() startJacobi = time.time() [x_jacobi, n, n2] = Schenk_Brandenberger_S10_Aufg3(A,b,x0,tol,0) stoppJacobi = time.time() startGaussSeidel = time.time() [x_gauss_seidel, n, n2] = Schenk_Brandenberger_S10_Aufg3(A,b,x0,tol,0) stoppGaussSeidel = time.time() startGauss = time.time() x_gauss = Witschi_Floian_S6_Aufg2(A,b)[2] stoppGauss = time.time() print("***********Time Estimation***********") print("Time for np.linalg.solve:") print(stoppLinalgSolve-startLinalgSolve) print("Time for Jacobi:") print(stoppJacobi-startJacobi) print("Time for Gauss-Seidel:") print(stoppGaussSeidel-startGaussSeidel) print("Time for Gauss:") print(stoppGauss-startGauss) #In this algorithm for Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel is the B calculated every single time """ Time for np.linalg.solve: 0.6146464347839355 Time for Jacobi: 319.44120621681213 Time for Gauss-Seidel: 307.4256772994995 Time for Gauss: 95.12803220748901 """ #In this algorithm for Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel is the B calculated one time """ Time for np.linalg.solve: 0.5016989707946777 Time for Jacobi: 18.02965211868286 Time for Gauss-Seidel: 17.64187240600586 Time for Gauss: 105.31756782531738 """ print(x_gauss) #3c #x_axis = np.array(["x0","x1","x2"]) #plt.plot(x_axis, x_linalg_solve) x_axis = np.arange(dim) plt.plot(x_axis, x_gauss_seidel-x) plt.plot(x_axis, x_jacobi-x) plt.plot(x_axis, x_gauss-x) plt.plot(x_axis, x_linalg_solve-x) plt.legend(["Gauss Seidel", "Jacobi", "Gauss", "Linalg"]) #Das Gauss-Verfahren ist genauer wie das Jacobi und Gauss-Seidel Verfahren