added classes aufg3

This commit is contained in:
leobr 2022-12-08 21:36:38 +01:00
parent 6c893b33b0
commit 2492a6ec33
2 changed files with 143 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
import numpy as np
def Single_Jacobi_Iteration(B, c, xn):
return B @ xn + c
def Single_Gauss_Seidel_Iteration(B, c, xn):
return B @ xn + c
def A_Priori_Estimation(B, x0, x1, tol):
return np.log((tol / np.linalg.norm((x1 - x0), np.inf) * (1 - np.linalg.norm(B, np.inf)))) / np.log(
np.linalg.norm(B, np.inf))
def A_Posteriori_Estimation(B, xn, xn_minus_one):
return (np.linalg.norm(B, np.inf) / (1 - np.linalg.norm(B, np.inf))) * np.linalg.norm(xn - xn_minus_one)
def Schenk_Brandenberger_S10_Aufg3a(A, b, x0, tol, opt):
A = A.astype("float64")
b = b.astype("float64")
x0 = x0.astype("float64")
x1 = np.copy(x0)
L = np.tril(A, k=-1)
D = np.diag(np.diag(A))
R = np.triu(A, k=1)
n = 1
if opt == 0:
B = -np.linalg.inv(D) @ (L + R)
c = np.linalg.inv(D) @ b
x1 = Single_Jacobi_Iteration(B, c, x0)
elif opt == 1:
B = -np.linalg.inv(D + L) @ R
c = np.linalg.inv(D + L) @ b
x1 = Single_Gauss_Seidel_Iteration(B, c, x0)
xn = np.copy(x1)
xn_minus_one = np.copy(x0)
# a-priori Abschätzung
n2 = A_Priori_Estimation(B, x0, x1, tol)
while tol < A_Posteriori_Estimation(B, xn, xn_minus_one):
xn_minus_one = np.copy(xn)
if opt == 0:
xn = Single_Jacobi_Iteration(B, c, xn)
elif opt == 1:
xn = Single_Gauss_Seidel_Iteration(B, c, xn)
n = n + 1
return (xn, n, n2)
A = np.array([[8, 5, 2], [5, 9, 1], [4, 2, 7]])
b = np.array([[19], [5], [34]])
x0 = np.array([[1], [-1], [3]])
opt = 1 # 0 is Jacobi; 1 is Gauss-Seidel
[xn, n, n2] = Schenk_Brandenberger_S10_Aufg3a(A, b, x0, 0.0001, opt)
print("Solution vector xn:")
print("Number of iterations:")
print("Used steps with a priori:")

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
import numpy as np
import time
from Schenk_Brandenberger_S10_Aufg3 import *
from Gauss_Algorithm import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
dim = 3000
A = np.diag( np.diag( np.ones( ( dim , dim ) )*4000 ) )+ np.ones( ( dim , dim ) )
dum1 = np.arange( 1 , np.int32( dim /2+1) , dtype = np.float64 ).reshape( ( np.int32( dim / 2 ) , 1 ) )
dum2 = np.arange( np.int32( dim / 2 ) ,0 , -1 , dtype=np.float64 ).reshape( ( np.int32( dim / 2 ) , 1 ) )
x = np.append( dum1 , dum2 , axis=0)
b = A@x
x0 = np.zeros( ( dim , 1 ) )
tol = 1e-4
startLinalgSolve = time.time()
x_linalg_solve = np.linalg.solve(A,b)
stoppLinalgSolve = time.time()
startJacobi = time.time()
[x_jacobi, n, n2] = Schenk_Brandenberger_S10_Aufg3(A,b,x0,tol,0)
stoppJacobi = time.time()
startGaussSeidel = time.time()
[x_gauss_seidel, n, n2] = Schenk_Brandenberger_S10_Aufg3(A,b,x0,tol,0)
stoppGaussSeidel = time.time()
startGauss = time.time()
x_gauss = Witschi_Floian_S6_Aufg2(A,b)[2]
stoppGauss = time.time()
print("***********Time Estimation***********")
print("Time for np.linalg.solve:")
print("Time for Jacobi:")
print("Time for Gauss-Seidel:")
print("Time for Gauss:")
#In this algorithm for Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel is the B calculated every single time
""" Time for np.linalg.solve:
Time for Jacobi:
Time for Gauss-Seidel:
Time for Gauss:
95.12803220748901 """
#In this algorithm for Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel is the B calculated one time
""" Time for np.linalg.solve:
Time for Jacobi:
Time for Gauss-Seidel:
Time for Gauss:
105.31756782531738 """
#x_axis = np.array(["x0","x1","x2"])
#plt.plot(x_axis, x_linalg_solve)
x_axis = np.arange(dim)
plt.plot(x_axis, x_gauss_seidel-x)
plt.plot(x_axis, x_jacobi-x)
plt.plot(x_axis, x_gauss-x)
plt.plot(x_axis, x_linalg_solve-x)
plt.legend(["Gauss Seidel", "Jacobi", "Gauss", "Linalg"])
#Das Gauss-Verfahren ist genauer wie das Jacobi und Gauss-Seidel Verfahren