ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 1 00000000 ;* ----------------------------------------------------- ------------- 2 00000000 ;* -- _____ ______ _____ - 3 00000000 ;* -- |_ _| | ____|/ ____| - 4 00000000 ;* -- | | _ __ | |__ | (___ Institute of Embedded Systems - 5 00000000 ;* -- | | | '_ \| __| \___ \ Zurich University of - 6 00000000 ;* -- _| |_| | | | |____ ____) | Applied Sciences - 7 00000000 ;* -- |_____|_| |_|______|_____/ 8401 Winterthur, Swit zerland - 8 00000000 ;* ----------------------------------------------------- ------------- 9 00000000 ;* -- 10 00000000 ;* -- Project : CT Board - Cortex M4 11 00000000 ;* -- Description : Data Segment initialisation. 12 00000000 ;* -- 13 00000000 ;* -- $Id$ 14 00000000 ;* ----------------------------------------------------- ------------- 15 00000000 16 00000000 17 00000000 ; ------------------------------------------------------ ------------- 18 00000000 ; -- __Main 19 00000000 ; ------------------------------------------------------ ------------- 20 00000000 21 00000000 AREA |.text|, CODE, READONLY 22 00000000 23 00000000 IMPORT main 24 00000000 25 00000000 EXPORT __main 26 00000000 27 00000000 __main PROC 28 00000000 29 00000000 ; initialize RW and ZI data - this includes heap and sta ck for the -ro=... -rw=... -entry=... linking cmd args.. . 30 00000000 IMPORT |Image$$RO$$Limit| [WEAK] 31 00000000 IMPORT |Image$$RW$$Base| [WEAK] 32 00000000 IMPORT |Image$$ZI$$Base| [WEAK] 33 00000000 IMPORT |Image$$ZI$$Limit| [WEAK] 34 00000000 ; ...or from auto generated scatter file. Needs linker o ption: --diag_suppress 6314 35 00000000 IMPORT |Image$$ER_IROM1$$Limit| [W EAK] 36 00000000 IMPORT |Image$$RW_IRAM1$$Base| [W EAK] 37 00000000 IMPORT |Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Base| [W EAK] 38 00000000 IMPORT |Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Limit| [W EAK] 39 00000000 ; import stack parameter 40 00000000 IMPORT Stack_Size [WEAK] 41 00000000 IMPORT Stack_Mem [WEAK] ARM Macro Assembler Page 2 42 00000000 43 00000000 ; switch between command line generated regions and auto scatter file generated regions 44 00000000 4912 LDR R1, =|Image$$RO$$Limit| 45 00000002 2900 CMP R1,#0 46 00000004 D004 BEQ ScatterFileSymbols 47 00000006 CommandLineSymbols 48 00000006 4A12 LDR R2, =|Image$$RW$$Base| ; start of the RW data in R AM 49 00000008 4B12 LDR R3, =|Image$$ZI$$Base| ; end of the RW data in RAM 50 0000000A 461D MOV R5, R3 ; start of zero ini tialized data 51 0000000C 4E12 LDR R6, =|Image$$ZI$$Limit| ; end o f zero initialized data 52 0000000E E009 B CondRWLoop 53 00000010 ScatterFileSymbols 54 00000010 4912 LDR R1, =|Image$$ER_IROM1$$Limit| ; start of flashed i nitial RW data 55 00000012 4A13 LDR R2, =|Image$$RW_IRAM1$$Base| ; start of the RW dat a in RAM 56 00000014 4B13 LDR R3, =|Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Base | ; end of the RW dat a in RAM 57 00000016 461D MOV R5, R3 ; start of zero ini tialized data 58 00000018 4E13 LDR R6, =|Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Limi t| ; end of zero initi alized data 59 0000001A E003 B CondRWLoop 60 0000001C 61 0000001C ; init non-zero data 62 0000001C 680C LoopRWCopy LDR R4, [R1] 63 0000001E 6014 STR R4, [R2] 64 00000020 1D09 ADDS R1, R1, #4 65 00000022 1D12 ADDS R2, R2, #4 66 00000024 429A CondRWLoop CMP R2, R3 67 00000026 D1F9 BNE LoopRWCopy 68 00000028 69 00000028 ; init zero-initialized data 70 00000028 462A MOV R2, R5 71 0000002A 4633 MOV R3, R6 72 0000002C 2400 MOVS R4, #0 73 0000002E E001 B CondZILoop 74 00000030 6014 LoopZICopy STR R4, [R2] 75 00000032 1D12 ADDS R2, R2, #4 76 00000034 429A CondZILoop CMP R2, R3 77 00000036 D1FB BNE LoopZICopy ARM Macro Assembler Page 3 78 00000038 79 00000038 ; fingerprint stack section 80 00000038 480C LDR R0, =Stack_Mem 81 0000003A 490D LDR R1, =Stack_Size 82 0000003C 4A0D LDR R2, =0xEFBEADDE ; stack fingerp rint (little endian !) 83 0000003E 6002 LoopStack STR R2, [R0] 84 00000040 1D00 ADDS R0, R0, #4 85 00000042 3904 SUBS R1, #4 86 00000044 D1FB BNE LoopStack 87 00000046 88 00000046 ; go to the user main function 89 00000046 480C LDR R0, =main 90 00000048 4700 BX R0 91 0000004A ENDP 92 0000004A 93 0000004A 94 0000004A ; ------------------------------------------------------ ------------- 95 0000004A ; -- End of file 96 0000004A ; ------------------------------------------------------ ------------- 97 0000004A 98 0000004A 00 00 ALIGN 99 0000004C 100 0000004C END 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 EFBEADDE 00000000 Command Line: --debug --xref --diag_suppress=9931 --cpu=Cortex-M0 --depend=.\ob jects\datainit_ctboard.d -o.\objects\datainit_ctboard.o -I.\RTE\_Target_1 -IC:\ Users\roman\AppData\Local\Arm\Packs\InES\CTBoard14_DFP\4.0.2\Device\Include -IC :\Users\roman\AppData\Local\Arm\Packs\InES\CTBoard14_DFP\4.0.2\Device\Include\m 0 -IC:\Users\roman\AppData\Local\Arm\Packs\InES\CTBoard14_DFP\4.0.2\HAL\Include --predefine="__EVAL SETA 1" --predefine="__UVISION_VERSION SETA 537" --predefi ne="_RTE_ SETA 1" --predefine="_RTE_ SETA 1" --list=.\listings\datainit_ctboard .lst RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols .text 00000000 Symbol: .text Definitions At line 21 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses None Comment: .text unused CommandLineSymbols 00000006 Symbol: CommandLineSymbols Definitions At line 47 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses None Comment: CommandLineSymbols unused CondRWLoop 00000024 Symbol: CondRWLoop Definitions At line 66 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 52 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s At line 59 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s CondZILoop 00000034 Symbol: CondZILoop Definitions At line 76 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 73 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: CondZILoop used once LoopRWCopy 0000001C Symbol: LoopRWCopy Definitions At line 62 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 67 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: LoopRWCopy used once LoopStack 0000003E Symbol: LoopStack Definitions At line 83 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 86 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: LoopStack used once LoopZICopy 00000030 Symbol: LoopZICopy Definitions At line 74 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 77 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: LoopZICopy used once ScatterFileSymbols 00000010 ARM Macro Assembler Page 2 Alphabetic symbol ordering Relocatable symbols Symbol: ScatterFileSymbols Definitions At line 53 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 46 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: ScatterFileSymbols used once __main 00000000 Symbol: __main Definitions At line 27 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 25 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: __main used once 9 symbols ARM Macro Assembler Page 1 Alphabetic symbol ordering External symbols Image$$ER_IROM1$$Limit 00000000 Symbol: Image$$ER_IROM1$$Limit Definitions At line 35 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 54 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: Image$$ER_IROM1$$Limit used once Image$$RO$$Limit 00000000 Symbol: Image$$RO$$Limit Definitions At line 30 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 44 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: Image$$RO$$Limit used once Image$$RW$$Base 00000000 Symbol: Image$$RW$$Base Definitions At line 31 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 48 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: Image$$RW$$Base used once Image$$RW_IRAM1$$Base 00000000 Symbol: Image$$RW_IRAM1$$Base Definitions At line 36 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 55 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: Image$$RW_IRAM1$$Base used once Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Base 00000000 Symbol: Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Base Definitions At line 37 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 56 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Base used once Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Limit 00000000 Symbol: Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Limit Definitions At line 38 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 58 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: Image$$RW_IRAM1$$ZI$$Limit used once Image$$ZI$$Base 00000000 Symbol: Image$$ZI$$Base Definitions At line 32 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 49 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: Image$$ZI$$Base used once Image$$ZI$$Limit 00000000 Symbol: Image$$ZI$$Limit ARM Macro Assembler Page 2 Alphabetic symbol ordering External symbols Definitions At line 33 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 51 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: Image$$ZI$$Limit used once Stack_Mem 00000000 Symbol: Stack_Mem Definitions At line 41 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 80 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: Stack_Mem used once Stack_Size 00000000 Symbol: Stack_Size Definitions At line 40 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 81 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: Stack_Size used once main 00000000 Symbol: main Definitions At line 23 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Uses At line 89 in file RTE/Device/CT_Board_HS14_M0/datainit_ctboard.s Comment: main used once 11 symbols 355 symbols in table