Compare commits
7 Commits
Author | SHA1 | Date |
4c77aa6070 | |
ca294dd17a | |
b1c371d9b3 | |
ba3afd129d | |
1066adcc63 | |
442a7a8b11 | |
2747b79f37 |
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
class SystemSettings:
class SystemSettings:
def __init__(self, dataDir="/Data", multiZoneIrrigation=False, defaultAutoIrrigationDuration=10, defaultManualIrrigationDuration=10, defaultManualOffDuration=10, webDurationOptions=[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60]):
def __init__(self, cronJobFrequency=2, dataDir="/Data", multiZoneIrrigation=False, defaultAutoIrrigationDuration=10, defaultManualIrrigationDuration=10, defaultManualOffDuration=10, webDurationOptions=[5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60]):
self.cronJobFrequency = cronJobFrequency
self.dataDir = dataDir
self.dataDir = dataDir
self.multiZoneIrrigation = multiZoneIrrigation
self.multiZoneIrrigation = multiZoneIrrigation
self.defaultAutoIrrigationDuration = defaultAutoIrrigationDuration
self.defaultAutoIrrigationDuration = defaultAutoIrrigationDuration
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de">
<title>{{ translater.getTranslation("Irrigation") }}{{ translater.getTranslation("system") }}</title>
{% include "header.html" %}
Sucess: {{ sucess }}
@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='Styles/dashboard.css') }}">
<title>{{ translater.getTranslation("Irrigation") }}{{ translater.getTranslation("system") }}</title>
@media screen and (min-width: 2051px){
grid-template-rows: repeat( {{ (zoneManager.zones|length / 3) + 1 }} , minmax(150px, auto));
@media screen and (max-width: 2050px) and (min-width: 1351px){
grid-template-rows: repeat( {{ (zoneManager.zones|length / 2) + 1 }} , minmax(150px, auto));
@media screen and (max-width: 1350px){
grid-template-rows: repeat( {{ zoneManager.zones|length }} , minmax(150px, auto));
{% include "header.html" %}
<h2>{{ translater.getTranslation("Dashboard") }}</h2>
<h3>{{ translater.getTranslation("planed irrigationjobs") }}</h3>
<div id="pipeline">
<td>{{ translater.getTranslation("Zone") }}</td>
<td>{{ translater.getTranslation("planed duration") }}</td>
{% for job in zoneManager.pipeLine %}
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{|string + ": " + }}</td>
<td>{{ ((job.duration/60)|int)|string + " " + translater.getTranslation("minutes")}}</td>
<td><button onclick="executeAction('delete_job_by_id','{{ }}', 0)">{{ translater.getTranslation("delete") }}</button></td>
{% endfor %}
<h3>{{ translater.getTranslation("irrigation zones") }}</h3>
<div id="zones">
{% for zone in zoneManager.zones %}
<div id="zone_{{ zone.number }}" class="zone">
<a href="/zones/{{ zone.number}}">
<h4>{{ }}</h3>
<td class="icon">
<span class="outer_dot">
<span class="inner_icon {{ 'dot_green' if zone.state else 'dot_red' }}"></span>
<td class="property">{{ translater.getTranslation("state") }}:</td>
<td class="value">
{{ translater.getTranslation("switched on") if zone.state else translater.getTranslation("switched off") }}
<select id="duration_zone_{{ zone.number }}">
{% for option in zoneManager.systemSettings.webDurationOptions %}
<option value="{{ option }}">{{ option }} {{ translater.getTranslation("minutes") }}</option>
{% endfor %}
<button onclick="executeActionByValueID({{'"switch_zone_off"' if zone.state else '"switch_zone_on"'}},'{{ zone.number }}', 'duration_zone_{{ zone.number }}', 60)">{{ translater.getTranslation("turn off") if zone.state else translater.getTranslation("turn on") }}</button>
{% if (zone.setState == 1 or zone.setState == 2) %}
{{translater.getTranslation("until") + zone.endTimeSetState|string}}
<button onclick="executeAction({{'"switch_zone_off"' if zone.state else '"switch_zone_on"'}},'{{ zone.number }}', -1)">{{ translater.getTranslation("cancel") }}</button>
{% endif %}
{% if zone.planedDuration > 0 %}
{{translater.getTranslation("irragation is planed for") + " " + ((zone.planedDuration/60)|int)|string + " " + translater.getTranslation("minutes") + "." }}
<button onclick="executeAction('delete_jobs_for_zone','{{ zone.number }}', 0)">{{ translater.getTranslation("delete") }}</button>
{% endif %}
<label class="toggle">
<input type="checkbox" {{ "checked" if zone.autoMode }} onchange="switchZoneMode(this.checked, {{ zone.number }})">
<span class="slider"></span>
<span class="labels" data-on="A" data-off="H"></span>
<td class="property">{{ translater.getTranslation("operating mode") }}:</td>
<td class="value">{{translater.getTranslation("automatic mode") if zone.autoMode else translater.getTranslation("manual mode")}}</td>
<button onclick="executeAction('switch_zone_mode','{{ zone.number }}', '{{ 'manual' if zone.autoMode else 'automatic' }}')">{{translater.getTranslation("switch to manual mode") if zone.autoMode else translater.getTranslation("switch to automatic mode")}}</button>
<td class="icon">
<span class="outer_dot">
<span class="inner_icon {{ 'dot_green' if(zone.actualHumidity >= zone.desiredHumidity) else 'dot_red' }}"></span>
<td class="property">{{ translater.getTranslation("actual humidity") }}:</td>
<td class="value">{{ zone.actualHumidity}}</td>
<td class="icon">
<td class="property">{{ translater.getTranslation("desired humidity") }}:</td>
<td class="value">{{ zone.desiredHumidity }}</td>
<p class="zone_number">{{ zone.number }}</p>
{% endfor %}
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
{% include "header.html" %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='Styles/dashboard.css') }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='Styles/scrollingTable.css') }}">
<title>{{ translater.getTranslation("Irrigation") }}{{ translater.getTranslation("system") }}</title>
@media screen and (min-width: 2051px){
grid-template-rows: repeat( {{ (zoneManager.zones|length / 3) + 1 }} , minmax(150px, auto));
@media screen and (max-width: 2050px) and (min-width: 1351px){
grid-template-rows: repeat( {{ (zoneManager.zones|length / 2) + 1 }} , minmax(150px, auto));
@media screen and (max-width: 1350px){
grid-template-rows: repeat( {{ zoneManager.zones|length }} , minmax(150px, auto));
<h2>{{ translater.getTranslation("Dashboard") }}</h2>
<div id="pipeline" class="scrollingtable">
<caption>{{ translater.getTranslation("planed irrigationjobs") }}</caption>
<th><div label="Nr."></div></th>
<th><div label="{{ translater.getTranslation("Zone") }}"></div></th>
<th><div label="{{ translater.getTranslation("planed duration") }}"></div></th>
<th><div label="{{ translater.getTranslation("delete") }}"></div></th>
<th class="scrollbarhead"></th> <!--ALWAYS ADD THIS EXTRA CELL AT END OF HEADER ROW-->
<tbody id="jobListBody">
{% include "dashboard/pipeline.html" %}
Text unter Table
<h3>{{ translater.getTranslation("irrigation zones") }}</h3>
<div id="zones">
{% for zone in zoneManager.zones %}
<div id="zone_{{ zone.number }}" class="zone">
{% include "dashboard/zone.html" %}
{% endfor %}
function refreshZone(zone_json) {
const zone = JSON.parse(zone_json);
document.getElementById("name_zone_" + zone.number).innerHTML =;
document.getElementById("inner_icon_state_zone_" + zone.number).className = 'inner_icon ' + (zone.state ? 'dot_green' : 'dot_red');
document.getElementById("state_text_zone_" + zone.number).innerHTML = zone.state_text;
document.getElementById("end_time_row_zone_" + zone.number).style.display = ((zone.setState == 1 || zone.setState == 2) ? 'table-row' : 'none');
document.getElementById("end_time_zone_" + zone.number).innerHTML = zone.endTimeSetState;
document.getElementById("planed_duration_row_zone_" + zone.number).style.display = ((zone.planedDuration > 0) ? 'table-row' : 'none');
document.getElementById("planed_duration_zone" + zone.number).innerHTML = zone.planedDuration/60;
document.getElementById("inner_icon_mode_zone_" + zone.number).innerHTML = zone.autoMode ? 'A' : 'M';
document.getElementById("slider_state_zone_" + zone.number).checked = zone.autoMode ? true : false;
document.getElementById("mode_text_zone_" + zone.number).innerHTML = zone.operationMode_text;
document.getElementById("inner_icon_humidity_zone_" + zone.number).className = 'inner_icon ' + ((zone.actualHumidity >= zone.desiredHumidity) ? 'dot_green' : 'dot_red');
document.getElementById("acutal_humidity_zone_" + zone.number).innerHTML = zone.actualHumidity;
document.getElementById("desired_humidity_zone_" + zone.number).innerHTML = zone.desiredHumidity;
function buttonDeleteJobById(jobId) {
var jobToDelete = document.getElementById("job_" + jobId);
function refreshPipeline(pipeline_html) {
document.getElementById("jobListBody").innerHTML = pipeline_html;
function refreshContent() {
executeAction('get_dashboard_pipeline_html', '0', '0', refreshPipeline);
{% for zone in zoneManager.zones %}
executeAction('get_zone_info', {{ zone.number }}, '0', refreshZone);
{% endfor %}
{% include "footer.html" %}
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<tr id="job_{{ }}">
<!-- <td>{{ }}</td> -->
<td>{{ }}</td>
<td>{{ ((job.duration/60)|int)|string + " " + translater.getTranslation("minutes")}}</td>
<td><button onclick="buttonDeleteJobById('{{ }}')">{{ translater.getTranslation("delete") }}</button></td>
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
{% for job in zoneManager.pipeLine %}
{% include "dashboard/irrigationJob.html" %}
{% endfor %}
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
<a href="/zones/{{ zone.number}}">
<h4 id="name_zone_{{ zone.number }}">{{ }}</h3>
<td class="icon">
<span class="outer_dot">
<span id="inner_icon_state_zone_{{ zone.number }}"></span>
<td class="property">{{ translater.getTranslation("state") }}:</td>
<td class="value" id="state_text_zone_{{ zone.number }}"></td>
<select id="duration_zone_{{ zone.number }}">
{% for option in zoneManager.systemSettings.webDurationOptions %}
<option value="{{ option }}">{{ option }} {{ translater.getTranslation("minutes") }}</option>
{% endfor %}
<button onclick="switchZoneStateByValueID('switch_zone_on','{{ zone.number }}', 'duration_zone_{{ zone.number }}', 60)">{{ translater.getTranslation("turn on") }}</button>
<button onclick="switchZoneStateByValueID('switch_zone_off','{{ zone.number }}', 'duration_zone_{{ zone.number }}', 60)">{{ translater.getTranslation("turn off") }}</button>
<tr id="end_time_row_zone_{{ zone.number }}">
{{translater.getTranslation("until") }} <p id="end_time_zone_{{ zone.number }}" class="end_time_value"></p>
<button onclick="switchZoneState('switch_zone_off','{{ zone.number }}', -1)">{{ translater.getTranslation("cancel") }}</button>
<tr id="planed_duration_row_zone_{{ zone.number }}">
{{translater.getTranslation("irragation is planed for") }} <p id="planed_duration_zone{{ zone.number }}" class="planed_duration_value"></p> {{ translater.getTranslation("minutes") + "." }}
<button onclick="deleteJobsForZone('delete_jobs_for_zone','{{ zone.number }}')">{{ translater.getTranslation("delete") }}</button>
<td class="icon">
<span class="outer_dot">
<p id="inner_icon_mode_zone_{{ zone.number }}" class="inner_icon"></p>
<label class="toggle">
<input type="checkbox" id="slider_state_zone_{{ zone.number }}" onchange="switchZoneMode(this.checked, {{ zone.number }})">
<span class="slider"></span>
<span class="labels" data-on="A" data-off="M"></span>
<td class="property">{{ translater.getTranslation("operating mode") }}:</td>
<td id="mode_text_zone_{{ zone.number }}" class="value"></td>
<td class="icon">
<span class="outer_dot">
<span id="inner_icon_humidity_zone_{{ zone.number }}"></span>
<td class="property">{{ translater.getTranslation("actual humidity") }}:</td>
<td id="acutal_humidity_zone_{{ zone.number }}" class="value"></td>
<td class="icon">
<td class="property">{{ translater.getTranslation("desired humidity") }}:</td>
<td id="desired_humidity_zone_{{ zone.number }}" class="value"></td>
<p class="zone_number">{{ zone.number }}</p>
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
setInterval(refreshContent, {{ (zoneManager.systemSettings.cronJobFrequency + 5) * 1000 }})
@ -1,49 +1,91 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="de">
<html lang="de">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='Styles/header.css') }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='Styles/header.css') }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='Styles/main.css') }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='Styles/main.css') }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='Styles/switch.css') }}">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='Styles/switch.css') }}">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5" >
function executeAction(command, index, value) {
function sleep (time) {
send_web_request('{{url_for("executeAction")}}/' + command + '/' + index + '/' + value, 'no', 'variable');
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, time));
function executeAction(command, index, value, handleResponse) {
var url = '{{url_for("executeAction")}}';
var messageString = 'no';
var varString = 'command=' + command + '&index=' + index + '&value=' + value;
send_web_request(url, messageString, varString, handleResponse);
function executeActionByValueID(command, index, valueID, valueFactor){
function executeActionByValueID(command, index, valueID, valueFactor){
var value = document.getElementById(valueID).value * valueFactor;
var value = document.getElementById(valueID).value * valueFactor;
executeAction(command, index, value);
executeAction(command, index, value);
function switchZoneMode(autoMode, zone) {
function switchZoneMode(autoMode, zone) {
executeAction('switch_zone_mode' ,zone, (autoMode ? 'automatic' : 'manual'))
executeAction('switch_zone_mode' ,zone, (autoMode ? 'automatic' : 'manual'));
sleep(1000).then(() => {
function switchZoneState(command, zone, value) {
executeAction(command, zone, value);
sleep(1000).then(() => {
function switchZoneStateByValueID(command, zone, valueID, valueFactor) {
executeActionByValueID(command, zone, valueID, valueFactor);
sleep(1000).then(() => {
function deleteJobsForZone(command, zone) {
executeAction(command, zone);
sleep(1000).then(() => {
function deleteJobById(command, jobId) {
executeAction(command, jobId);
sleep(1000).then(() => {
{% for item in %}
<li {{ 'class=active' if item.is_active else '' }}>
<a href="{{ item.url }}">
{{ item.label }}
{% endfor %}
<a class="heading" href="{{ url_for('startPage')}}">
<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='img/header/wassertropfen.png') }}" alt="" class="title-img">
{% for item in %}
<li {{ 'class=active' if item.is_active else '' }}>
<a href="{{ item.url }}">
{{ item.label }}
{% endfor %}
<h1>{{ translater.getTranslation("Irrigation") }}-<br>{{ translater.getTranslation("system") }}</h1>
<a class="heading" href="{{ url_for('startPage')}}">
<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='img/header/wassertropfen.png') }}" alt="" class="title-img">
<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='img/header/blumenbeet.jpg') }}" alt="" class="header-img">
<h1>{{ translater.getTranslation("Irrigation") }}-<br>{{ translater.getTranslation("system") }}</h1>
<img src="{{ url_for('static', filename='img/header/blumenbeet.jpg') }}" alt="" class="header-img">
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/webhook.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/action.js') }}"></script>
<script src="{{ url_for('static', filename='js/webhook.js') }}"></script>
@ -33,16 +33,38 @@ class Webserver:
return redirect(url_for('showDashboard'))
return redirect(url_for('showDashboard'))
@app.route('/action', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@app.route('/action', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@app.route('/action/<command>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@app.route('/action/<command>/<index_str>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@app.route('/action/<command>/<index_str>/<value_str>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def executeAction(command=False, index_str=False, value_str=False):
def executeAction(command=False, index_str=False, value_str=False):
sucess = False
sucess = False
if(request.method == 'POST'):
index = int(index_str)
value = int(value_str)
command = request.form['command']
index_str = request.form['index']
index = int(index_str)
value_str = request.form['value']
value = int(value_str)
elif(request.method == 'GET'):
command = request.args['command']
index_str = request.args['index']
index = int(index_str)
value_str = request.args['value']
value = int(value_str)
match command:
match command:
case "switch_zone_on":
case "switch_zone_on":
if (index and value):
if (index and value):
@ -80,28 +102,41 @@ class Webserver:
case "delete_job_by_id":
case "delete_job_by_id":
if (index):
if (index):
case "get_dashboard_zone_html":
if (index):
zone = self.zoneManager.getZone(index)
return render_template('dashboard/zone.html', translater=self.translater, zoneManager=self.zoneManager, zone=zone)
case "get_dashboard_pipeline_html":
return render_template("dashboard/pipeline.html", translater=self.translater, zoneManager=self.zoneManager)
case "get_zone_list":
return self.zoneManager.zonesToJSON(self.translater)
case "get_zone_info":
if (index):
zone = self.zoneManager.getZone(index)
return zone.toJSON(self.translater)
case "get_pipeline":
return self.zoneManager.pipelineToJSON(self.translater)
return render_template('action.html', translater=self.translater, zones=self.zoneManager.zones, sucess=sucess)
return render_template('action.html', translater=self.translater, zones=self.zoneManager.zones, sucess=sucess)
def showDashboard():
def showDashboard():
return render_template('dashboard.html', translater=self.translater, zoneManager=self.zoneManager)
return render_template('dashboard/dashboard.html', translater=self.translater, zoneManager=self.zoneManager)
def showZones(zoneNumber=False):
def showZones(zoneNumber=False):
if (zoneNumber):
if (zoneNumber):
return render_template('zone.html', translater=self.translater, zone=self.zoneManager.getZone(zoneNumber))
return render_template('zones/zone.html', translater=self.translater, zoneManager=self.zoneManager, zone=self.zoneManager.getZone(zoneNumber))
return render_template('zones.html', translater=self.translater, zones=self.zoneManager.zones)
return render_template('zones/zones.html', translater=self.translater, zoneManager=self.zoneManager)
def showTimes():
def showTimes():
return render_template('times.html', translater=self.translater)
return render_template('times.html', translater=self.translater, zoneManager=self.zoneManager)
def showSystem():
def showSystem():
return render_template('system.html', translater=self.translater)
return render_template('system.html', translater=self.translater, zoneManager=self.zoneManager)
||||||, port=self.port)
|, host="", port=self.port)
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
display: grid;
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
@ -57,6 +59,10 @@ td.value{
text-align: left;
text-align: left;
position: relative;
position: relative;
p.end_time_value, p.planed_duration_value {
display: inline;
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
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position: absolute;
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white-space: pre-wrap;
color: white; /*header row font color*/
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.scrollingtable > div > div > table > thead > tr > * > div[label]:after {content: attr(label);}
.scrollingtable > div > div > table > thead > tr > * + :before {
content: "";
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content: "";
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.scrollingtable > div > div > table > tbody {vertical-align: top;}
.scrollingtable > div > div > table > tbody > tr {background: white;}
.scrollingtable > div > div > table > tbody > tr > * {
border-bottom: 1px solid black;
padding: 0 6px 0 6px;
height: 20px; /*match column header height*/
.scrollingtable > div > div > table > tbody:last-of-type > tr:last-child > * {border-bottom: none;}
.scrollingtable > div > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(even) {background: gainsboro;} /*alternate row color*/
.scrollingtable > div > div > table > tbody > tr > * + * {border-left: 1px solid black;} /*borders between body cells*/
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
function send_web_request(url, messageString, varString, handleResponse) {
// Browserkompatibles Request-Objekt erzeugen:
r = null;
r = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if(window.ActiveXObject)
r = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
r = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
alert("Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.");
// Wenn Request-Objekt vorhanden, dann Anfrage senden:
if(r != null)
|'POST', url, true);
r.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
if(handleResponse != null) {
r.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
if(messageString != 'no')
sleep(500).then(() => {
//window.location.href = window.location.href;
alert("Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.");
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import time
import time
import json
class Zone:
class Zone:
@ -13,6 +14,21 @@ class Zone:
self.endTimeSetState = endTimeSetState
self.endTimeSetState = endTimeSetState
self.planedDuration = planedDuration
self.planedDuration = planedDuration
def toJSON(self, translater):
return {
"number": self.number,
"actualHumidity": self.actualHumidity,
"desiredHumidity": self.desiredHumidity,
"autoMode": self.autoMode,
"operationMode_text": translater.getTranslation("automatic mode" if self.autoMode else "manual mode"),
"state": self.state,
"state_text": translater.getTranslation("switched on" if self.state else "switched off"),
"setState": self.setState,
"endTimeSetState" : self.endTimeSetState,
"planedDuration": self.planedDuration,
def setZoneManager(self, zoneManager):
def setZoneManager(self, zoneManager):
self.zoneManager = zoneManager
self.zoneManager = zoneManager
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import json
import threading
import threading
from random import Random
from random import Random
from time import time
from FileIO import FileIO
from FileIO import FileIO
@ -15,6 +16,20 @@ class ZoneManager:
self.pipeLine = []
self.pipeLine = []
self.piplineMutexLock = threading.Lock()
self.piplineMutexLock = threading.Lock()
def zonesToJSON(self, translater):
zoneList = []
for zone in self.zones:
return zoneList
def pipelineToJSON(self, translater):
jobList = []
with self.piplineMutexLock:
for irrigationJob in self.pipeLine:
return jobList
def getZone(self, number):
def getZone(self, number):
for zone in self.zones:
for zone in self.zones:
if(zone.number == number):
if(zone.number == number):
@ -52,7 +67,9 @@ class ZoneManager:
return False
return False
def switchZoneState(self, zone, state, duration, instant=False):
def switchZoneState(self, zone, state, duration, instant=False):
if(instant or self.systemSettings.multiZoneIrrigation or state==False ): #or (not self.isAnyZoneBusy())
if(not duration > 0):
zone.switchState(state=False, duration=0, instant=True)
elif(instant or self.systemSettings.multiZoneIrrigation or state==False ): #or (not self.isAnyZoneBusy())
zone.switchState(state=state, duration=duration, instant=True)
zone.switchState(state=state, duration=duration, instant=True)
self.addIrrigationJob(IrrigationJob(id=self.random.randint(a=100000000, b=999999999), zone=zone, duration=duration))
self.addIrrigationJob(IrrigationJob(id=self.random.randint(a=100000000, b=999999999), zone=zone, duration=duration))
@ -100,5 +117,12 @@ class IrrigationJob:
self.duration = duration
self.duration = duration
||||||, duration=duration, instant=False)
|, duration=duration, instant=False)
def toJSON(self, translater):
return {
"duration": self.duration,
def process(self):
def process(self):
||||||, duration=self.duration, instant=True)
|, duration=self.duration, instant=True)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from ZoneManager import ZoneManager
from SystemSettings import SystemSettings
from SystemSettings import SystemSettings
from FileIO import FileIO
from FileIO import FileIO
systemSettings = SystemSettings(dataDir="/Data", multiZoneIrrigation=False, defaultAutoIrrigationDuration=10, defaultManualIrrigationDuration=10, defaultManualOffDuration=10, webDurationOptions=[1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60])
systemSettings = SystemSettings(cronJobFrequency=0.5, dataDir="/Data", multiZoneIrrigation=False, defaultAutoIrrigationDuration=10, defaultManualIrrigationDuration=10, defaultManualOffDuration=10, webDurationOptions=[1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60])
fileIO = FileIO(systemSettings)
fileIO = FileIO(systemSettings)
zoneManager = ZoneManager(systemSettings=systemSettings, fileIO=fileIO)
zoneManager = ZoneManager(systemSettings=systemSettings, fileIO=fileIO)
webserver = Webserver(zoneManager=zoneManager, port=80)
webserver = Webserver(zoneManager=zoneManager, port=80)
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def cronJobs():
while True:
while True:
print("Cronjobs done\nactual Time: " + str(time.time()))
print("Cronjobs done\nactual Time: " + str(time.time()))
if __name__ == "__main__":
if __name__ == "__main__":
cronjob_Thread = threading.Thread(target=cronJobs)
cronjob_Thread = threading.Thread(target=cronJobs)
Reference in New Issue